Coffee and Fitness, Politics and the Pandemic rule the day in "Locker Tales." Baby hippos, Big baby hippos, Pygmy hippos, and penguins form the basis for "Hippo Tales" Can a baby hippo like Bo fit into Ella's childcare activities? Sure he can. He can gambole, dance, jump up on gym trampolines, shoot basketballs and all the other great kid stuff. His family is called a bloat and they gave him permission to come to the daycare. Why bloat you may ask? Seems appropriate enough for these massve bulky stewards of the jungle. We also include in jungle jargon words like 'tower of giraffes', 'confusion of wildebeests' and 'bask of crocodiles.' Our other award winning book, "Locker Tales" takes a look at fitness and politics in today's world. Be on the lookout for the Vermont Bookstock Festival in May we will hopefully see you there in Woodstock, Vermont.